Sunday, June 22, 2014

William and Mary Brunken Children - 1914

William and Mary Brunken Children - 1914
William and Mary Brunken Children - 1914

Who's Who

In the middle row, left to right are:
Alwin Wilhelm Brunken
  Alwin Wilhelm Brunken
Hilda Ida Brunken
Hilda Ida Brunken
Leona Cecelia Brunken

And the baby on Hilda's lap is:
Harold Carsten Brunken
Harold Carsten Brunken

Picture Story

This small 2x1.5 inch broken photo was found loose in the album - it had previously been attached as there was black album paper stuck on the back.  I initially hesitated to include this snapshot given that it was torn and pieces of the picture are missing. However, I felt this snapshot related to the story of the 1916 William Brunken Children picture as it was possibly taken after Christmas two years earlier.


The picture was taken late 1914 possibly after Christmas, assuming Harold is about a year old. Hilda does look younger than in the 1916 picture. And, Leona is definitely much younger than in the 1916 picture.

Alwin appears to be riding a wooden horse like Harold is riding in the 1916 picture. And, the haircut style and facial features of Alwin in this picture sure are similar to that of Harold in the 1916 picture.

This timing would be consistent with the girls in the back row showing off their dolls that were possibly Christmas gifts.

Any idea who the two girls in the back row are?

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