Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Checking Cattle At Feeder

Checking Cattle At Feeder
Checking Cattle At Feeder


Raising cattle for market was and still is a major farming operation in Nebraska.  I do know that my Petersen relatives did raise and sell cattle.

A 1915 biographical sketch[1] states "Carsten Petersen Sr., engaged in general agricultural pursuits on section 9, Lost Creek township, is the owner of an excellent farm or four hundred and thirty-eight acres.  ....   In the early days he engaged extensively in raising cattle, but now devotes his energies entirely to general agricultural pursuits."

An article from the The Columbus journal (Columbus, Nebraska) April 20, 1904, page 3 states:

Who's Who

The men in the picture are unidentified. The relative named above:
  • "Carsten Petersen" is my great grandfather Carsten Petersen, Sr.


Unknown. All the dates of items in the album so far identified have been between 1905 and 1919 with most of the dates being between 1911 and 1917.


Likely in Nebraska because this post card was in the first section of my grandmother's album which contained post cards received mostly from relatives in Nebraska.


  1. Pillips, G.W. “Past and Present of Platte County, Nebraska: A  Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement”, Volume II, 1915 page 438.
  2. A "car" means a train car.



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